Monday, October 16, 2006

What makes a good lawyer great

What Makes a Good Lawyer Great
by: Jim Howard, Licensed Professional CounselorDirector, Missouri Lawyers' Assistance Program

There are many good lawyers in the legal profession. I have had the good fortune to meet many of them. I suppose that any credible definition of a “good lawyer” might include:

Legal and practice skills
Good work ethics
Professional representation
Ethical and professional behavior and
Adequate financial success
So, what makes a good lawyer great? I am not naïve or pompous enough to suggest that I have the answer. One thing that stands out in my mind, however, is that the truly great lawyers are perhaps those who seem to have a “higher purpose” professionally than personal material success. While this may seem obvious to many, perhaps it is lost sight of by some as the legal profession is faced with a lack of public confidence, incivility among many lawyers, and the incredible stress and anxiety experienced by many lawyers.
Just what is the “higher purpose?” Who determines what this higher purpose will be? Do you have a mission as a lawyer that transcends yourself? Of course, only you can answer these questions.
Think of your own personal, professional mission as being the fusion of two parts, your vision and your personal action plan to make this vision come to fruition. Think of your vision as something you want for everyone, and also something that is so universal and big that you will never actually achieve it in your lifetime. For example, your vision may be equal access to justice for all. Your action plan could be to provide legal services on a sliding fee scale. Your mission, therefore, might be to “provide equal access to justice for all by charging a sliding fee scale.” There is no “correct” mission. The point is that, in my judgment, every lawyer should have a professional mission, and it should be larger and beyond personal success.
I suggest that a transcending mission gives you a noble purpose for existing professionally. I offer to you that it is this that elevated you above the mundane, perhaps makes your profession worthy of public support, and makes your community a better place to live in. This is what I think of when considering what makes a good lawyer great. What do you think?

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